what is BI What is OnlineExamMaker LMS? OnlineExamMaker LMS is an all-in-one online Learning Management System to help teachers and trainers conduct & manage teaching, learning, and testing in one place. whats-onlineexammaker-lms.pdf Benefits of using an LMS An online Learning Management System (LMS) can be a powerful tool to motivate learners by providing them with opportunities for continuous learning and professional development. benefits-of-online-lms.pdf How to use OnlineExamMaker LMS? The quick guides of how to create an online course in OnlineExamMaker LMS. You can create a professional online course for teaching or training in under 10 minitues. 1-how-to-create-a-course.pdf 2-how-to-upload-download-courseware.pdf 3-how-to-add-a-quizz-to-a-course.pdf 4-how-to-assign-course-to-a-group.pdf 5-how-to-view-learning-records.pdf 6-how-to-view-course-statistical-analysis.pdf
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Course Duration: 3 minutes 21 seconds
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